National Institute of Science and Technology for Brazilian Football Studies
Among INCTFut's most recent actions we highlight
The notes of repudiation against the signing of Cuca by Corinthians on April 24th, a note of repudiation against racism towards the player Vinícius Jr. on April 25th, and the note of support for the football player Jennifer Hermoso, on September 7th.
Meeting with the Ministry of Sports to present the Pelé para Semper Project;
Meeting with Santa Catarina clubs promoted by UFSC to increase measures against racism;
Conversation round about Media and Football: contemporary themes, with the participation of Prof. Dr. Pablo Alabarces and Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Helal, mediated by line coordinators Prof. Dr. Antonio Jorge Soares and Prof. Dr. Cristiano Mezzaroba;
Participation of collaborating researcher Ma. Thaís Rodrigues in the SCC SBT Toque Feminino podcast, about women's football and the Women's World Cup;
Organization of the Women, Football and Women's World Cup event, together with LaboMídia (CDS/UFSC), with support from the Department of Sports, Culture and Leisure (DECL/SECARTE/UFSC), with the participation of INCT members in lectures and conferences.
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